- Abstract Data Type (ADT)
- Accredited Standards Committee X12
- ACH: Automated Clearing House
- Acknowledgement
- Active Tag
- Advanced Encryption Standard
- Advance Ship Notice (ASN)
- American National Standards Institute, Accredited Standards Committee X12
- American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
- Applicability Statement (AS) 1
- Applicability Statement (AS) 2
- Applicability Statement (AS) 3
- Applicability Statement (AS) 4
- Application Acknowledgment
- Application Advice
- Application Interface Software
- Article Number Association
- Asynchronous
- Attribute
- Audit Trail
- Authentication
- Bank Administration Institute
- Bar Code
- Batch Control Totals
- Batch Processing
- Baud
- Bill of Lading
- Binary
- Bisynchronous
- Business Document
- Business Partner
- Business Partner Agreement
- Business Process
- Business Process Modeling
- Business to Business
- Business to Business (B2B) Integration
- Classifier
- Clearing House
- Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment
- Communications
- Communication Software
- Compliance Checking
- Conditional
- Confirmation
- Consumer Packaged Goods
- Continuous Replenishment Program
- Control Envelope
- Control Number
- Control Segment
- Control Structure
- Control Validation
- Data Element
- Data Element, Composite
- Data Encryption Standard
- Data Interchange Standards Association
- Data Pool
- Data Segment
- Data Segment Directory
- Data Synchronization
- Decision Support System
- Decryption
- Dedicated Line
- Default Settings
- Delimiters
- Delivery Forecast message
- Delivery Just in Time message
- Delivery Notice
- Delivery Trailer Manifest
- Digital Certificate
- Digital Signature
- Direct Connect EDI
- Direct Store Delivery
- Dispatch Advice Message
- Download
- Draft Standard for Trial Use
- Dun & Bradstreet identification number
- EANCOM: A Subset of EDIFACT Messages
- ebXML
- ebXML Messaging Services
- EDIFACT: Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce, and Transport
- EDI over the Internet
- EDI Translation
- EDI Translation
- EIAJ: Japanese EDI Standard
- Electronic Commerce
- Electronic Data Interchange
- Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
- Electronic Funds Transfer
- Electronic Mail
- Electronic Product Code
- Element
- Element Delimiter
- Element Reference Number
- Encryption
- End-User
- Enterprise Application Integration
- Enterprise Application Integration
- Enterprise Resource Planning
- Envelope
- ENX: The IP-based network for the European automotive industry
- EPCglobal
- Evaluated Receipts Settlement
- Event-Driven EDI
- File
- File, flat
- File Structure
- File Transfer Protocol
- Functional Acknowledgement
- Functional Group
- Functional Group Segments (GS/GE)
- Galia
- Gateway
- Global Commerce Initiative
- Global Company Identifier
- Global Data Dictionary
- Global Data Dictionary
- Global Data Synchronization
- Global Data Synchronization Network
- Global Location Number
- Global Product Classification
- Global Registry
- Global Standards Management Process
- Global Trade Item Number
- Goods Received Note
- GS1
- Hardware
- Header
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
- HL7
- Hub
- HyperText Transfer Protocol
- HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure
- ID System (EPC Tags and Readers)
- Implementation Guide
- Industry Specific
- Integrated Services Digital Network
- Interactive EDI
- Interchange Control Header
- Interchange Control Trailer
- Interchange Envelope
- Interchange Format
- Interchange: The Exchange of Information Between Companies
- Interconnect
- Intermediate Document
- International Article Numbering Association
- International Data Exchange Association
- International Standards Organization
- Internet Engineering Task Force
- Internet Engineering Task Force
- Internet of Things
- Invoice
- Just In Time
- Mailbag
- Mailbox
- Manifest
- Mapping
- Message
- Message Header
- Message Standards
- Message Structured Diagram
- Message Switching
- Message Trailer
- Message Type
- Modem
- National Standards Body
- Network
- Network Management
- Network Service Provider
- Notification of Shipment
- Object
- ODETTE File Transfer Protocol
- ODETTE File Transfer Protocol v2.0
- Open Network
- Open Systems Interconnect
- Organization for Data Exchange Through Teletransmission in Europe
- Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards
- Paperwork
- Partner Interface Processes
- Payment Terms
- Petroleum Industry Data Exchange
- Pilot
- Pilot Project
- PIP Blueprint
- PIP Choreography
- PIP Design and Development Process
- PIP in Production
- PIP Interchange Model
- PIP Protocols
- PIP Specification
- Platform
- Point-to-Point
- Proprietary Ordering System
- Proprietary Standard
- Protocol
- Protocol Conversion
- Purchase Order
- Purchase Order Acknowledgment
- Qualifier
- Radio Frequency Identification
- Ramp
- Receiver
- Receiving Advice Transaction
- Registry
- Repository
- RosettaNet
- Secure FTP
- Segment
- Segment Code
- Segment Delimiter Character
- Segment Diagram
- Segment Directory
- Segment Hierarchy
- Segment Identifier
- Segment Name
- Segment Qualifier
- Segment Specifications
- Segment Tag
- Segment Terminator
- Self-billing
- Seller
- Sender
- Sequence Table
- SFTP: Simple File Transfer Protocol
- Shipment Notification
- Simple Data Elements
- SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
- SOAP: Simple Object Access Protocol
- Software
- Spoke
- SSH: Secure Shell
- Standards
- Standards Body
- Standards, Proprietary
- Standards, Public
- Store and Forward
- Store and Retrieve
- Supply Chain
- Syntax
- Tag
- The Common EDI Forum
- The IP-based network for the Australian automotive industry
- The IP-based network for the Japanese automotive industry
- The IP-based Network for the Korean Automotive Industry
- The IP-based network for the US automotive industry
- The Transaction Set Header Segment
- The Transaction Set Level
- The Transaction Set Line Item Area
- The Transaction Set Summary Area
- The United Nations Center for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business
- Third-party
- Tradacoms
- Trailer
- Transaction Level Acknowledgment
- Transaction Set
- Transaction Set Diagram
- Transaction Set Header Area
- Transaction Set ID
- Transaction Set Standards
- Transaction Set Trailer Segment
- Translation
- Translator
- Transmission Acknowledgment
- Transmission Group
- User
- User Group
- Validation
- Value-Added Network
- Variable-Length File
- Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI)
- Version/Release
- W3C
- Web-EDI
- Web Services
- Web Services Interoperability
- World Wide Web Consortium
- X25
- X400
- X500
- XML (eXtensible Markup Language)